What the 2021 UK Enterprise Award means to me…

At the beginning of 2021 Slingshot Education was honoured to be awarded with the 2021 UK Enterprise Award for the “Most Adaptable Educational Recruitment Services – London”.
Following a year of uncertainty, rapid digital adoption and the exponential change in educational processes winning an award for what felt like keeping our head above water seemed strange.
But it wasn’t until I truly sat back and reflected on the many advancements our team had made that I realised we truly did adapt to an unknown landscape. From adapting our working practices to truly remote through to launching online tutoring services and providing our candidates with ongoing COVID support our entire way of working was redefined in the space of a few weeks.
I am so thankful to our team and our partners for the support, enthusiasm and willingness to make the best of the situation; it’s from this spirit alone that our business managed to weather the storm and in fact earn this award.
Thank you to everyone and to the 2021 UK Enterprise Awards for acknowledging our small triumphs!
Kelvin Smith