How do teachers motivate students returning to school?

Coming out of lockdown has excited everyone. Bars, restaurants, schools and many other institutions are beginning to return to some version of normal. This is especially applicable to schools as pupils and teachers are returning to face to face learning, easing the burden of homeschooling and working from home for many parents. However, many students’ learning has been affected by this time apart and therefore teachers have their work cut out for them to help students catch up to where their learning would have been were it not for Covid-19.
So how do teachers motivate students?
The traditional methods such as involving your students more in the class and changing parts of the learning materials can work but is it appropriate given the current circumstances? Something as simple as emphasizing the importance of getting children back into a routine could be pivotal to a successful transition and shouldn’t be underestimated. Addressing the fact that this is a strange time in students’ lives and ensuring that there is an open, and honest dialogue between teaching staff and students is pivotal. It is also important to ensure that students feel their opinions are being listened to and actioned. This not only helps to motivate students returning to the classroom but also foster a better relationship.
There is also no denying that students will need time to settle back in and as a result traditional learning as we know it may have to take a slight step back. It’s understandable that some students will feel overwhelmed and that their needs may have changed over lockdown. Identifying that there will inevitably be a gulf in learning between students based on their home schooling experience is paramount and working out how to bridge that gap, while difficult will be the absolute golden key to success. This is where a flexible approach and the ability to adapt will become paramount; in particular to allow certain students to catch up while keeping others motivated and engaged.
Lastly, its vital that teachers find a way to secure some form of success early into the students return to school. Success can create confidence in students which will lead to an increase in their motivation to learn. This can be in the form of a small achievable goal set by the teacher to help students understand what success is and foster this throughout their learning.
These are just some of the ideas to consider upon phasing students return to school that can help to motivate students and improve the relationship between students, teachers and the wider educational population.
Author: Vishal Mehan